Britansko-slovenska gospodarska zbornica oz British Slovenian Chamber of Commerce je pripravila čajanko z razlogom na temo kako energetska negotovost vpliva na trajnostne usmeritve podjetij in ali se oddaljujemo od zelenih zavez.
Program in govorci:
9.00-9.10 Presentation of the new President of the BSCC
9.10-10.10 Panel interviews on rethinking climate goals
John Denhof, president of the management board, Nova KBM
Dagmar von Bohnstein, president, Slovene-German chamber of Commerce
Tina Kobilšek, Ministry of the Environnment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia
Bill Goldie, Head of the Voluntary Market Division, Redshaw Advisors
Moderator: Ana Stanič, Principal, E&A Law
10.10-11.10 Panel on green transition
Nina Kelemen, sustainability manager, Zavarovalnica Triglav
Blaž Košorok, CEO, Gen-Energija
Vanja Lombar, president of the management board, Geoplin
Tomaž Orešič, vice-president, Resalta
Stephen Sykes, Co-founder and Director, Hub 2030
Boštjan Černe, Head of product development, Trimo
Moderator: Ana Struna Bregar, CEO, CER